Night 1: I was flying in my multi thrusted rocket, flying around space enjoying what I saw. I went to every planet in the Solar System and landed on Mars because I wanted to start setting up a Space HQ in Mars. So I marked out the spots where the building would go and then hopped back in my rocket and flew off. I was going back to Earth to get all the materials I needed and some help as well, BUT when I first got a glimpse of Earth. There were a lot of Meteor Rocks coming at me. So I was trying to dodge them all but one rock hit my ship and then I fell out of my ship screaming. But suddenly I woke up.
Night 2: I went to go and inspect a planet NASA assigned me to go to. The planet was called a SuperEarth because they reckon that if we planted some trees and it had Oceans, rivers and ponds, Humans could live on the planet. So I went in the Space shuttle to go to SuperEarth but I had to stop at the I.S.S for some gas. So I filled up with gas and went to SuperEarth. When I first saw SuperEarth, it looked wonderful when I saw it and then I landed. When I hopped out of the Shuttle. I got a wonderful greeting from Aliens that had Ray guns and started attacking me. I had to run back to the shuttle to retreat but they shot the shuttle and it blew up. So I panicked until one of the Aliens wanted to shoot the Ray Gun at me. Then I woke up, at the middle of the night heavily breathing, trying to calm myself down and went back to sleep.
Night 3: I was on the moon making a cool Moon Cheese for the Supermarkets to show and maybe sell for some good money. It was a really cool like bluey reddish colour but the taste was really yum. I even videotaped me eating the moon cheese and posted it on social media for other people to see what could come out in the supermarkets. But on the down side of this moon cheese was that it was limited because you get it off the moon. So that meant it would be really expensive. So I packed a bunch on Moon Cheese and went back to Earth in my rocket. The Supermarkets thought that the Moon Cheese price to sell should be $20,99. I was delighted by that. Then all the buyers came in to buy it. At the end of the day, all the Moon cheese was gone, but all the money that the SuperMarket got. All of it went back to me. Then I woke up sad because the good cool dream was over.
Night 4: Me and some of my other friends went to the moon just to build a mansion that we could live in. We had this much money because we made a viral toy that is to let your pets talk. Even though it was expensive, everyone bought it. That’s why Me and my friends are building a mansion on the moon. It didn’t take that long for the mansion to be built but then we thought to ourselves that if we can build a 5 star luxury hotel and get a loads of money out of it and then donate some of that money to all kinds of charities. All of us agreed to do this and the Hotel was built in no time. The Hotel was basically booked out everyday because everyone wanted to stay there. But then my Dad walks into my room and wakes me up and I groan at him because I said to him “I was having the best dream until you had to ruin it”.
Night 5: There was a big Alien vs Army fight in Space. It was like WW3 but the whole world was on our side and we were fighting the Space creatures basically. So it was a huge war. I was assigned to being in a fighter jet shooting down all the other Alien warships. So when I flew up into space ready to battle and take down the Alien warships. I was getting siked up to just demolish them and shoot every warship down, so when I arrived I was ready. When I got there, I didn’t expect an Alien MotherShip to be there with a lot of warships inside it. It was big and was basically invincible to shoot it down. I was taking a lot of warships down and occasionally shooting the MotherShip to weaken its health. There were a lot of fighter jets coming from across the world. The Aliens was beating us brutally and was able to start shooting Earth, until the one and only Darth Vader came out of nowhere and destroyed the MotherShip. The war was over but sadly, a lot of good men died.
Night 6: I was somehow the person that landed on the moon first and put the American flag on the moon. It felt so surreal and amazing because the first person to land on the moon and put the American flag on the moon first. Coming back was the sad part though. The rocket had some sort of mechanical problem that couldn’t be fixed until we got back to Earth. It was a big problem. It was something to do with the engine I think. So we had to control the engine safely because we are in Space and Earth is a long way away. So we had to monitor it carefully. Then it started overheating, we started to panic because we could just see Earth. Then something blew up in the back. It was loud and we knew that it was the engine that gave up and just blew up I guess. Then the explosion came up to the cockpit and then that blew up. Us 3 men died in that explosion and was the only men to ever go to the moon ever in world history.
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