Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Amazing Race

On Wednesday 16th October, 40 kids from Room 2 and Room 4 went to the High School to do the Amazing Race that the Year 12's organized. We got put into teams of 4 and a country with a team. In my team we had, Sam as the Leader, Me, Morgan G, Kyah and Billy. My team got NZ as the country. There were 5 games to play and you would playoff to win against another country. The most points combined with all the games wins. But before that we had to make up a chant and I had no Idea what to do and the rest of us didn’t know what to do. But then we made one up and it went a little something like this, KIWI KIWI KIWI KIWI WE ARE KIWIS YAY!!!! The first game we played was the Haka Challenge. The country that we versed was Australia. You had to put some movements in the right order 3 times to win the game and we ended up winning. Then you had to wait until the siren went off to go to the next game and if you got there first, you would get an extra point for getting there first. Then we raced off to get to the challenge and we got there first. Extra point to us. Then we did the next challenge. It ended up being my favourite challenge because you have a fruit bowl on your head and you hold it with a towel and then you have to go through a course and get to your teammate and then they do it. We won that challenge, so that was 2 for 2 challenges that we did. Then we got ready to run to the 3rd challenge, READY, SET, GO!!! We ran off to get to the Challenge first and I am pretty sure, yeah we got there first. It was a soccer challenge and we lost that challenge by a 100 points because you had to hit a target and on the back of that target was points to get. Then we went to the next challenge which was to hold a lolly with chopsticks through an obstacle course and get a ball in the bucket and put it in the bowl so the next player could go in your team. Sadly though, we lost again. So that was 2 wins out of 4 games. Then we had the lucky last game. We knew we had to win this to even have a chance to come in the podium. It was like bowls but I forgot what the actual name is called. We won and we were happy because we got to win 3 out of 5 games. Then after we ate lunch and did a circle thing where you shared what you liked about it with one word. I said challenging. Then we had a mini prize giving and they announced 2nd first. They said it was only one point apart from 2nd and first. They said New Zealand and our group was happy but we lost to 1st by a point. Overall it was a fun day and I was happy where we came.

Here's a photo of my team coming 2nd

By Lockie

The End.  

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